
Thomas & Chess on Behavioral Individuality

Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess discuss temperament qualities in children.

What's New

4/25/2005: Version 6 CTS Software on CD

Based on the internet Report Writer technology, the new CTS Version 6 software scores any of the five CTS questionnaires and generates 2 attractive temperament reports, one for the professional and one for the caregiver. The software comes in 3 versions, PC, Mac OSX and Mac OS9. It is available in 25 or 100 use versions on CD. Both temperament reports include a temperament profile and interpretations of temperament characteristics. The caregiver report is personalized for age and gender of the child and uses the youngster's first name in behavioral descriptions. The professional report includes validity checks for missing data, social desirability and ratings/perceptions discrepancies.

Click here for additional information about CTS software included in the 2005-6 B-DI catalog.

Click hereto download a sample V6 software report. (Note that CC101499p.htm is the Professional report for Charley Cheese, born 10/14/1999.)

Click here to see the new formats for Professional and Caregiver reports printed with javascript printing function in Version 6 and iReport Writer.

9/16/2004: Occasional Temperament Conference 2004

The organizers of OTC 2004 have posted a website for attendees at the conference, scheduled for October 28-31, 2004 in Athens, GA. A conference program and informational brochure are available in pdf format at the site. A number of leaders in temperament research and clinical applications in practice are scheduled to present papers. Attendees will include professionals and students interested in temperament research as well as clinicians and practitioners. OTC meetings offer a rare opportunity for academicians and practitioners to interact on topics of mutual interest.

Click herefor information about registration at the conference.

8/26/03: CTS iReport Writer Upgrade!!! CTS iReport Writer login page

Programmers at B-DI are working with ISS2000, a professional web design firm, to upgrade the iReport Writer experience. New login, selection, and questionnaire pages have been completed and the Caregiver and Professional reports will soon be getting a new, more attractive and functional look!